Friday, August 3, 2012

We Create Our Own Reality

Lately I have been reflecting on "my reality" and I what I have been creating for me, past/present/future. I no longer look at my past as a "victim" of anything. I see it as something I chose to learn from, and so from that standpoint, I can then ask "what did I learn?".  If I "get it" then I have learned. If I don't, then well, sure that one will come around again! Even though I can intellectually look at each situation and "pick it apart", that is not really learning. That is my ego trying to understand, place blame, whatever.... because if I go into that mode, I truly didn't learn. Learning is "feeling" it in my heart. Really getting it. It's not about what someone did to me, it's what I got from it. Technically no one can "do" to us, as we do to ourselves and look to them to blame. Mine is mine 100%!

Now, that being said, in current situations, I have to look at them and ask myself "why am I experiencing this and what am I to learn"? What I might get today, might be an even bigger lesson tomorrow (and it usually is). If I am "caught" in a situation, I have to ask, "why do I allow this?". What part of me "needs" this? And what need am I feeding? Once I realize the dysfunctional reason as to why I would subject myself to "that", I can start to change it. It is not about the other person. It is that I allow this other person or situation to affect me. Some are positive exchanges. Some are not. It's up to me to decide (and change) the ones that no longer serve the higher good for all involved.  So, from that standpoint, that includes ME in the higher good. If I can't say that this is something that benefits me, then why would I continue to participate or allow that exchange. Then I have to determine if it was to "help" another. Ok, maybe so. But am I really helping another if I am feeding into the dysfunction? NO. So, it no longer comes about reacting to anyone or anything. It is finally taking my own power back, stopping anything that doesn't contribute to mine or another's growth process and removing myself from that situation with love. I can always love self and others, without participating in contributing to the dysfunction or behaviors contributing to that situation. I actually cause more harm to self & others by staying in that type situation. It used to be hard for me to stand up for myself, as I felt guilty. Yet another reason that kept me involved in low-end situations. Now I can see the bigger picture and can actually step back and see that at some point in time there has to be an end. Sometimes it is hard for the other person to understand that, but THEIR need to hold on, to keep me involved on the level that I previously participated is their issue and their own growth process. For me, I have to do what is right for all involved. Is there an equal exchange of positive energy for all in that situation? Am I contributing to the growth process by enabling another. NO.

On another note, I have seen a definite change in myself and those I draw to myself based upon my vibrational level at that time in my growth process. There has been a huge change (in a wonderful way)! That is another thing, paying attention to my vibrational frequency in every situation, around people. If I am operating at a really high vibrational frequency and a situation or person enters my energetic field and causes that to drop dramatically, that alone tells me instantly that I need to change the frequency or remove myself from what drags my frequency down. There are people who subconsciously or consciously try to pull another's vibration down to match theirs. Others operate by manipulating the energy of those they come into contact with. By recognizing it I no longer have the desire or need to allow that to affect my energetic field. When someone can't respect mine and continually tries to lower my energetic frequency intentionally, I have found that I just remove myself. I send them love and I let them go. We are just operating at two entirely different frequencies for the growth process that we are experiencing at that time. 

One thing I have come to really understand is that people will come into our lives for a reason, then when their operational frequencies change, when they've (or I) have learned from that experience, then that relationship will end. Sometimes it ends for good. Sometimes they continue to grow and cross each other's path again in the future. This is a great way to see how much we have changed!

Original Post: 2/13/12

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