Thursday, August 2, 2012

Spiritual Ethics & Integrity: (Especially Mentor Roles)

This is one that I will re-visit later, as this is a HUGE subject important to myself and other teachers/mentors that I have run across in the Spiritual community.

First, we are all students. No one is better than the next. We are one of one universal consciousness, just at different stages. The main thing a mentor/teacher can do is operate from a place of the highest integrity, ethics & honor. This includes mind/body/spirit. Pure thoughts, pure actions, respect for self/others & from a place of love for all spirits with intention to never to harm to another on this spiritual path while in a teacher role. Teachers/mentors only share their tools with others who come to them in order for both to learn and grow. For me, if I can't respect self & others to the utmost... then how is anyone else supposed to. 

Taking responsibility for myself and my actions is my responsibility. Making a conscious effort not to entertain low-vibrational thoughts or actions is my responsibility. Overcoming my issues was a huge part of this. Until I could and could learn to respect self & others and rise to a higher place on all levels, I had no business in a teacher role. :) Unresolved issues continued to interfere. Working to resolve these must be of the highest priority first. We can't truly help another until we help ourselves first.

  • Mind: Pure thoughts, Positive Thoughts, Knowledge. Don't feed into low-end energies (fear, guilt, blame, anger, etc.) Our thoughts truly do affect everything! 
  • Body: Treat my body with the utmost respect at all times. This includes food, supplements, exercise, and not subjecting it to anything that includes toxins (ie substances, medication, etc.) Holistic Health only. I also now am vegetarian/raw/organic with food. Purifying the body is just as important as purifying the mind & soul. 
  • Spirit: Meditation, higher level of consciousness, etc. Feed my spirit to always be happy & honor it always!
We are not perfect, but we should strive to be the best that we can at all times. Our bodies are our temples, and we must treat them with respect if we expect them to return the favor. If I abuse my body with toxins, foods, alcohol, drugs, then it will return the same with illnesses. If I remain stuck in low-end emotional issues instead of embracing them & releasing them in order to grow, they will certainly keep me down with illnesses that manifest in the physical body. As I purge my emotional issues, so go my physical ones attached to them. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I am now illness free after a lifetime of poor health, physical & emotional disabilities. We can reverse our health. But we have to care enough & put forth the effort ourselves. No one can do this for us.

It is not up to me to determine if another is operating at a level of integrity that I feel acceptable. Karma will take care of this on its own. It is up to me to govern myself and remove myself from the energetic field of those who do not operate from a place that matches my exceptional vibrational frequency or higher. 

It took me a long time to come to this realization, as I operated out of trying to help others with theirs. I can lead by example, shining my light as bright as I can shine, and truly help those on a path of discovery, who take responsibility and ask me for guidance and help. ONLY until then is it my place to exchange energies with them, in a teacher/student role. Until then, I need to step back and allow them to experience their own experience, and it is not mine to interfere with by taking it upon myself! 

Each of us have to experience our own experiences, stumble, fall, or rise & grow. Sometimes it takes a massive crash & burn to get ones attention. I myself had to experience this one. Going to the lowest levels possible in order to begin to see a light, then I had to shed myself of sense of self & ego. I had to get out of my own way. I had to overcome the obstacles & blocks I created. I had to learn to appreciate the ability to connect to higher consciousness and start to grow, baby steps, until it became a welcomed way of life in this physical realm. Experiencing anything else is just not possible unless I allow myself to experience less, and even then it is still ultimately my responsibility.

If one is operating from a place of ill-intentions, that will be taken care of by the universe, and it is not mine. Mine is to help those who truly are in a place needing and wanting help, not to try to help those who have no intention of making a change or grow (yet). This applies in every situation thus far. We each determine this for ourselves. My field, my energy, my responsibility. I do not have to keep low-energies in my field. I will learn from it, for sure, but at some time, it is just time to move on to the next experience! Besides, when I am trying to help one who doesn't want help, then I am not available to help one that does. :) 

For the longest, I feared the consequences of "walking away" from low-end energies, as it was my "role" to help teach. What I didn't realize were the consequences are much higher if I don't. To me and to them. So now, I do what is right. There is no right for who, there is just right. It is not up to me to bring myself down to a level that they can match, it is up to them to raise theirs to match mine! It took me forever to get this one!!!!!!!

Being conscious & aware at all times of my own actions, operating at a level of highest integrity, pure thoughts, love and respect for self & others. Help those who seek help. Responsibility for self. Today, this is my role! :)

P.S. after this post, I went to do laundry & dishes. As I am "working" I am realizing that all of my responses on here & thoughts are physical realm thoughts/responses. I post physical world stuff, but again finally realizing that I need to continue to deal with these things on a level of consciousness that transcends the physical realm. I got the message like a year ago with another situation "You cannot solve this on an intellectual level". I went OH! So I removed myself from the situation/conflict in my brain and went to a higher level, calling in my guides for help & support. I sent my guides to talk to the other persons guides to do what was the best and highest good for all involved. Then I got the message "do not act, just wait. The situation will resolve itself". So at that point I went and took a shower (this is where I receive the majority of my information with clarity, or when driving), and when I got out of the shower the person I had conflict with had sent me an email resolving the situation for me! How awesome was that?! I have to remember a few things. When I have mental conflict, that it is my intellect/ego creating that conflict. If I step back and observe what it is I am "fighting" against, then I realize I had the answer the entire time, but that I just wasn't willing to listen." Sometimes it is easier to create chaos in our mind & in our lives than to do what we know we need to do. So realizing that, I had my answer. No more question, no more conflict, no more issue! I was letting my physical world mentality of my physical world obligations interfere with the higher consciousness answers of what to do. Sometimes physical world issues interfere with our ability to hear higher consciousness answers. When we look at what is actually priority, higher consciousness/spiritual lessons always dictate what should be done on the physical plane. As the higher consciousness/spiritual answers will ALWAYS be of pure light and love and for the best and highest good of all. It may not be the EASY answer, but it will always be the one we know as right. I have to remember that if I am unwilling to deal with a situation the way I know that I should, because of my physical world responses, then karmically it will ultimately come back to bite me in the butt or present itself again to resolve in my physical future. Do I really want to keep repeating these things? NO! So, I had my answer the entire time, I just wasn't willing to listen. Duhhhh! Another example of self-created chaos (mental, emotional or physical!)

Sorry to blab on & on, but much of the time just writing thoughts allows them to leave my brain so they don't keep circling round & round. Time to let them go and make space for nothingness! :) 

Original Post: 2/11/12

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