Friday, August 3, 2012

Multi-Dimensional Experiences

A very appropriate day to post about "leaping" or "traveling" on Leap Day!

Over the last several weeks, I have been experiencing the most lucid, vivid dreams. I have started a new dream journal and set my intention before I sleep to be given the information that serves the highest & best good for all, to remember what I am to remember, and to receive information to help me. 

I also wake up very early usually now (much different from the reversed day/night person a year ago that slept, but needed to so my body could heal all of my chronic issues, which are now gone!) except lately I wake up in the middle of a phenomenal dream so I choose to go back to sleep to continue the experience & to "work" within my dreams.

This morning was one of those mornings. I woke up, confused, in the middle of a phenomenal dream of just healing & love... didn't know what day it was, didn't care... so I chose to go back to sleep to "continue" and see where it went.  An hour and a half later I just opened my eyes & was "done". 

When I awoke, eyes wide open, I was in the middle of an "experience" of being led by a "man" who was teaching me about the "group" and how to use them to "travel through time & dimensions" and to use this for healing. "It's easy" he said as he kept walking in a forward motion & giving me "steps" to accomplish this "easy" thing. I get it, but I don't know how to explain it yet. I have to go back, pull back the information and decypher what I was given to be able to apply it. Or maybe I don't. Maybe I just need to allow myself to "experience" it for now. So we shall see. 

I knew I was being "taught" and knew to pay attention. There were some other key "points" that I notice but don't understand yet. Going to delve further and see what I find.

So many wonderful experiences lately. The biggest is to pay attention & to trust. The only obstacles I have are the ones I create or allow!

Original Post: 2/29/12

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