Thursday, August 2, 2012

Deja Vu

I am having the weirdest case of Deja vu tonight.  I've done this before, but this time seems different.

The one time I did this that I recall vividly, I was at work and an "experience" with the room started and I remember thinking "I've experienced this before, seen this before".  It was so strange.  I watched and knew every conversation that was about to take place, every person's move that would change, when a person was to enter the room.  Everything slowed down and went in slow motion.  It seemed like it went on for 15 minutes, but looking back now it probably only lasted a few seconds or a minute or two.  I was completely in shock.

Tonight I have been trying to study, with interruption after interruption.  As I study, I check off the questions with a highlighter upon completion.  This course, I had not even taken the binder clip off this course yet... 

I've been reading and I keep thinking "I've read all of this before".  But I keep reading, thinking I am a bit crazy.  I pull the question/answer page and read the question and think "I've read this question before".  Yet again, a bit crazy.... so I kept going.  Needless to say this goes on for awhile, then I get several pages into it and start to realize that "somehow" I have "read" all of this before and I "know all of the answers" prior to "reading" any of this.  Now, I have experienced this before with my coursework, but not to this magnitude.  

Usually, just prior to starting a course, I will pull it and read the title.  I start to "receive" information or start "drawing" words (I automatic write when I channel or whatever).  Never before ever doing research on these specific topics and half of the time not knowing anything about the topic at all or even really what it is, I start "writing" information that is contained in the course.  It's become "normal" for me.

When I started studying these courses, I found myself reading the questions and "knowing" the answers prior to reading the section.  Never before studied this stuff, didn't "know" the information contained in the course, intellectually no knowledge I would ever have access to prior, but I knew all the answers.  Then I started realizing I "knew the content" prior to reading it.  

It's all just become a game to me now, just to see what new experience I will have with the next course.

I have realized that this is why I "knew" all the answers on the test in school when I was growing up & why I did so good in school.  I always "knew" the answers, unless I second guessed myself or I studied.  Both of those would result in me not doing well at all.  But to just hand me a test and me to show up, I aced everything I was given.  Hmmmmmm........ 

Original Post: 1/2/12

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