Thursday, August 2, 2012

There is No "But" in Trust

We either trust or we don't.  There is no "but" in trust.

In learning to trust & let go, this was a huge huge step for me. It took everything I had for so long, as how could I let go and just trust?  Then I started to realize that if I truly trusted, then "but" can't not be entertained.  

I hear this 24/7 from those around me saying, "I trust, but".  If it's followed by a but, then there is no trust. 

Unconditional also applies to trust. To trust is to let go of the need to control the outcome and accept things as being perfect exactly as they are.  To trust, doesn't mean to stop trying to do great things, it just means understanding & accepting things without the need to try to change them to suit our physical needs.  Do we still try to be our best, actually no.  Because if we are being true to higher self, we don't need to "try". We already are.  I think that is the difference.  

In trying, it means that we are not doing.  Do it.  What is so hard about doing?  

When we see the world as "out to get us" or "deceitful" or "dishonest", then that is a reflection of our own distrust of self.  Trust ultimately lies within.  When we don't feel we can trust, that means we ultimately don't trust ourselves. As if we did, another's actions would not matter.  Trusting in higher consciousness, mean being one and trusting self is the same as trusting another, as we all are of one consciousness, are we not?  If I know and trust that I am fine no matter what, then what another does doesn't affect me.  As I know that I have done the absolute best that I could do at all times.  The need to control goes away.  All I need is trust. The rest is exactly perfect as it is.

We create the scenarios that keep us victim and subject to crisis or chaos.  If we don't keep creating chaos, then it goes away. As we learn to trust our OWN judgement, then we learn to trust period. We create the world we live in.  Do we create a world of peace & trust or a world of distrust, manipulation, self-sabotage.  Do we try to control others actions to try to obtain the outcome we desire. If we do, then we are not connected as one and we don't have trust.  We can speak of trust intellectually, but the experience can't really be explained. As with true trust, there is no need to explain.  It just is.

Original Post: 1/28/12

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