Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Smallest Experiences Mean So Much

I look back on the days of chaos when I needed to make more money to buy more things that I thought I needed.  I (faintly) remember when I was a crazy control freak, trying to "get keep it all together" so everything would be perfect. Wow, was I totally way disconnected.

Simplicity has a certain peace to it.  Now, materialistically, I have absolutely nothing.  I have no money, I lost my car, I am downsizing apartments to cut expenses, and I have not had a "normal" job in over 2 years.  But, I am happier than I ever have been in my life.  You never could have told me this years ago when I was making tons of money & had all those nice things.   I could not have understood it.  I live on very little means and would not have it any other way now.

I reflect upon one of my most memorable experiences this last year sitting with a homeless man & giving him my last dollar. Taking him to the hospital because he was sick and had no way, as others walked past him avoiding him like he was the plague. 

I have learned to trust my intuition and higher self that much.  As he walked past the window of the Subway I was sitting in, I immediately got "if he walks past again, go talk to him".  My intellectual self would have said "yeah right".  But my higher self knew more.  It knew that he needed help and that he was no threat.  As Sonia Choquette teaches "Trust Your Vibes" that is exactly what I did.  My vibes said follow your higher self.  My intellect said "RUN".  I even tried to walk away.  I got to the parking lot & stopped behind a column & asked "do I give into my fears or do I trust what I got intuitively and go talk to him"?  So I took a deep breath, told my intellect to take a hike & I walked over to the little patio table he was sitting at outside the little shopping center.  He had his head down on the table & probably thought I was crazy when I asked if I could sit down.  I don't think he knew what to do with me any more than my intellectual self knew what to do with him.  So I withdrew from my intellect & tapped into higher self & just went with whatever came through.

He was really really sick.  He had been vomiting (even while I was there) and trying to drink water.  I am sure years of no healthcare, alcohol abuse & whatever were contributing factors.  I bought him a cup of water & a sandwich (for later) and sat with him and talked.  He needed to go to the hospital.  By car it was over 30  minutes away (the one that would treat indigent/homeless), and he was in no condition to ride a bus for hours until it got him there.  So I loaded him up in my car & off we went.  He asked me "why are you doing this?  Because of God?" In his mind he could not comprehend that someone would do such a thing without a reason.  The owner of Subway came out and tried to "warn" me... "he's homeless"... I said "I know".  He could not comprehend it either.  He had been watching me all afternoon give a couple dollars to homeless people for water while I studied my Metaphysical homework.  He said "I've never seen anyone be so nice to strangers for no reason".  I said "why not?".  He had run them out of his store & I went to help them.  He was so "impressed' that he gave me his business card.  Why? I don't know.  Doesn't matter. 

On the ride to the hospital, we talked a bit.  It was an eye opener for me to see that my little conveniences (a cell phone with GPS to get us there) were foreign to this homeless man.  He had no comprehension of technology.  He told me of his life and previous jobs.  We talked about family and health.  I drove him to the hospital and dropped him off at the emergency entrance.  He was so thankful.  I was thrilled to have not given into my "fears" and intellect that day to avoid another human being/spirit.  I followed my intuition & higher self and it was just another thing that made me learn to trust what I got instead of trying to "heed the warnings of my ego".   That was one of the best days ever.  And it only cost me a few bucks, but what I got in return was so much more than money could ever buy.

Original Post: 12/26/11

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