Thursday, August 2, 2012

Positive Reprogramming of Our Subconscious

In studying my coursework tonight, I realized something for the first time (or at least so much than before).

I have gone through so many changes this year, and so many things played a part in that.  I had forgotten some of the little unimportant things I did (what seemed to be little things) along the way.

I shut off the Television and radio and all outside noise.  I used to be addicted to the sound of the T.V. It had to be on 24/7, especially when I slept.  I slept to the noise... even the "white noise" with the volume muted... it just had to be on.  I didn't sleep then at all.  I took heavy duty sleeping meds, more than the normal person's dosage after years & years of insomnia and other issues.

But then I started listening to something different.  I purchased a guided meditation "Guided Chakra Healing Meditation" by Greg DeVries off  I played it on repeat all through the night, every night.  I shared it with friends.  I did classes where we meditated to this 42 minute CD.  Everyone loved it.  I would fall asleep and it took months before I actually "heard" the whole thing in a conscious state.  But that didn't matter.  The affects of that one (and some other wonderful meditations) had started to help me reprogram my subconscious and I didn't even realize to what extent until now. Listening to low-end negative broadcasts that feed fear & hatred actually programs the brain and re-enforces those thoughts of fear & hatred buried deep within.  By changing that and listening to something healing, repeatedly, my thought processes were being reformed when I slept.  This helped me start to change my waking thoughts! 

I did this night after night, day after day.  If I was cleaning, I played positive, calm, healing meditations, with words of healing, love & inspiration.  I burned a CD of one that motivated me "calmly" and played it when I drove in the car, instead of listening to crazy music or fear-based radio/news.  I didn't turn the TV on anymore and actually can't stand it... it's annoying and a disturbance to being able to connect with my thoughts and higher consciousness.  

I hear the fear & negativity (and sometimes anger) that comes from some people who listen to the fear driven news/radio/television.  My response "I don't listen to that stuff".  I pop in my calming, healing meditation and put my headphones on or sit in silence, as what I can access is so much more productive, healthy and informative than the low-end vibes created from the TV or radio.  The thought of what listening to that 24/7 (news/TV/radio) does to the mind of those and their subconscious & how it affects their conscious thoughts.  Wow!  Now I get it.  I consciously understood that I didn't like it or listen to it, but on a whole new level I see how changing that little thing helped me change a huge part of me and how much it negatively affects others thoughts (both conscious & subconscious.)  It IS auto-programming and we do it to ourselves.  Another thing we can consciously change but just changing what we listen to repeatedly!

On a separate note:  I used to have to drown out my low-end negative thoughts with any kind of noise as a distraction.  Once I worked through everything and got rid of them, I didn't need noise anymore.  It's like I could not "face" my thoughts! What a revelation! Peace & quite is pure bliss now :) P.S. Gone are all the meds and I sleep like a baby now.  Have been for months and months.  It's awesome! Lots to be said by overcoming fear and negativity.  Anyone can do it.  Just stare it in the face and don't back down.  It becomes this teeny-tiny thing that was just a huge mass before.  It shrivels up and dies.  We make it huge.  We have to feed it for that to happen.  Don't feed fear.  Take your power back. 

Original Post: 12/30/12

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